Disagree Then Commit

Easier Said Than Done

Hola 👋🏼 Danni here.

I hope your week has been fulfilling.

One of the challenging (and exhausting) things I had to do this week is what Netflix calls “disagree then commit.”

In my role, I stepped into the shoes of what Netflix describes in its culture documentation as an Informed Captain. This meant listening to diverse views, helping to stimulate discussion, and seeking alignment and commitment among people with differing opinions.

It wasn't easy, but it was necessary. We made a few informed judgment calls by gathering different perspectives from my team.

Easier said than done.

But we ended the week more aligned and committed than when we started the week.

This week reinforced the importance of focusing on the goal that will most positively impact the future of the company, family, personal life, or whatever you may have to make critical decisions about.

I now ask, “How will this drive our growth and forward movement?” rather than “How will everyone feel about this?”

Because, well, everyone will always feel different.

With that, here’s this week's marketing and personal growth tips.

Marketing Growth Tip

Create Feedback Loops in Your Decision-Making Process.

When making significant marketing decisions, create a structured process for gathering diverse opinions from your team. Designate an “Informed Captain” who will listen to different perspectives, stimulate discussion, and seek out dissenting views.

Once a decision is made, ensure the team commits to the chosen strategy. This approach fosters innovation and inclusivity and ensures your marketing strategies are well-informed and effectively executed.

Personal Growth Tip

Cultivate a Habit of Reflective Decision-Making.

Adopt the habit of seeking out and considering different viewpoints before making important decisions. Engage with trusted friends, mentors, or colleagues to discuss your options and gather diverse insights.

Once you’ve decided, fully commit to it and reflect on the outcomes. This habit of reflective decision-making will help you make more informed choices and develop greater resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges.

This Week on the #Hashtags and Habits Podcast

In this week’s episode, Jamie Drew, founder of The Bliss Code, joins me. She shares her journey of overcoming burnout and self-neglect to embrace boldness and main character energy as an entrepreneur. Plus, we talk about the importance of self-care, embracing your authentic self, and overcoming imposter syndrome.

“Spending time alone lets you open up and notice what you are doing when nobody's looking. And that's actually how I started painting.”

This episode will be available on June 4, 2024, at 8 AM CST on YouTube, Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform.

That’s it, that’s all!

Rooting for you!


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