Discomfort Drives Growth

Amazing Possibilities Are on the Other Side

Hola 👋🏼 Danni here.

We've all felt that twinge of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) when we see other people getting attention or winning awards.

Maybe it's when they’re speaking at a big event or seeing many people following them, and we hope to be there someday. But how often have we taken that uncomfortable feeling and turned it into something productive?

Discomfort drives growth.

Embracing discomfort can lead to amazing opportunities and possibilities. As a business owner, this means stopping the fear of starting something new and embracing the mindset of experimentation.

Try various strategies and platforms, from social media campaigns to email marketing, SEO, and content marketing. Each new initiative provides valuable insights into what works and doesn’t work for your brand.

If a strategy doesn’t yield the results you hoped for, it’s not a failure—it’s feedback guiding your future strategies.

Let your curiosity and enthusiasm drive your marketing efforts, and remember that every experiment, successful or not, brings you closer to discovering the most effective ways to reach and engage your audience.

Discomfort, when embraced, can be a powerful catalyst for growth.

What’s one uncomfortable but potentially game-changing step you can take in your digital marketing efforts this week?

Marketing Growth Tip

Stop Being Afraid to Start.

Embrace the mindset of experimentation in your digital marketing efforts.

In the past week, we have been experimenting with content marketing via Reddit. It’s relatively new, and there is no real information online about how to market on Reddit, but we are giving it a go.

Try new strategies and explore platforms you’re not currently on, such as social media campaigns, email marketing, SEO, and content marketing. Each initiative provides valuable insights into what works and doesn’t for your brand. Remember, if a strategy doesn’t yield the desired results, it’s not a failure but crucial feedback guiding your future strategies.

Stay curious and enthusiastic, and use each experiment as a stepping stone to refine your approach. You'll develop a more effective and engaging marketing strategy by continually learning and adapting.

Personal Growth Tip

Embrace Discomfort for Growth.

What can you try this week to push yourself out of your comfort zone?

In the last few weeks, I have taken up swimming lessons. Yes, at my big age, I am still scared of water. But learning to swim has been on my bucket list, and it is taking me far out of my comfort zone, but it is good for my personal growth.

Push yourself to try new activities and experiences outside your comfort zone. Whether it succeeds or not, each new endeavor provides valuable insights into your preferences and strengths.

Understand that discomfort and failure are part of the learning process. By embracing these experiences, you gain clarity on what truly excites and fulfills you, bringing you closer to personal growth and self-discovery.

Let discomfort guide you toward finding your true calling, learning something new, and scratching those things off your bucket list.

What’s Going On This Week?

I am excited for the Social Media Summit on June 30. If you want to build a sustainable, thriving social media strategy, this is where you want to be next Sunday!

The Social Media Day Summit isn't your average “more tactics, more stress” social media conference. We understand the pressure to constantly be “on.” This summit is designed to help you regain control of your social media presence and reignite your results for you and your clients.

If you’re in Las Vegas next weekend, join me as I speak at the Pen 2 Paper Empowerment Conference. It is stop #3 on the multi-city tour. If you’re new to business or trying to grow your business, this is the event for you. We will provide direction and actionable guidance on marketing, image, systems, business strategies, speaking, and government contracting.

#Hashtags and Habits Podcast is almost 50 episodes in and we broke into the TOP 50 Podcasts in ENTREPRENEURSHIP, and I couldn’t be more excited. Go listen, rate, and review. I appreciate it!!!

That’s it, that’s all!

Rooting for you!


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