Small Business Is the Future

There is no better time to be a small business owner than now.

Hola 👋🏼 Danni here.

I hope your week has been fulfilling.

As a small business owner, I am rooting for you and your success.

If you’re not yet a small business owner but want to be, I highly encourage it. Even with the challenges, there is always more excitement. So, I’m also rooting for you.

Small businesses are the present and the future.

There are 33.2 million small businesses to date. And over 4 million are started every year.

This newsletter will be focused on the current and future small business owner’s growth. Having spent the last four years as a business owner, I can tell you that your business will only grow to the level you personally grow.

With that, here’s this week's marketing and personal growth tips.

Marketing Growth Tip

Leverage Social Media for Authentic Engagement, Not Just for Likes, Clicks, and Follows

You don’t own social media. And unless they convert to your email list or program, you don't own those followers.

Create content that resonates with your ideal client profile by showcasing customer testimonials, thought leadership (a very overused term these days, but essentially, this is your opinion on a matter), and stories that highlight your business’s values and mission.

Engage actively with your followers by responding to comments, hosting live Q&A sessions, and encouraging user-generated content.

But always convert those engagements to follow you elsewhere (to your email list, sign up for your webinar or ebook).

Authenticity builds trust and fosters a loyal community around your brand.

Personal Growth Tip

Create Routines When You Can and Break Them Every Now and Again

I used to be the 4 AM at the gym girlie, and then life caught up with me and forced me to create better routines in my life that were optimized for the stage of life I am currently at.

So, now I’m a 6 PM-ish gym girlie, and every now and again, I’m a 12 noon gym girlie, because sleeping a few extra hours helps me function better throughout the day.

I am all for establishing daily routines that include specific actions aimed at your growth, such as setting aside time for reading industry news, practicing new skills, or reflecting on your goals and progress.

But pay attention to your own growth in other areas as an individual (aside from who you are at work or around friends and family).

Do the things, but it isn’t necessary to do it at the same time, unless, of course, it works for you.

Consistent daily habits create a strong foundation for continuous improvement and help you maintain momentum in all areas of your life.

This Week on the #Hashtags and Habits Podcast

In this week’s episode, Keocha LaFleur-Anders, founder of Chestnut Publishing House and Coffee Milk Media, shares her insights on leveraging storytelling for business success, content creation, and community building.

Drawing from her journey as a minority woman entrepreneur and author, Keocha discusses overcoming fears of judgment, constructively embracing feedback, and self-care's role in creativity. She also explores strategies for prioritizing wellness routines amid entrepreneurial demands.

This episode will be available on May 21, 2024, at 8 AM CST on YouTube, Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform.

That’s it, that’s all!

Rooting for you!


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